Agency Law Outline

The following pages have been printed to accompany the author`s collection of cases on the agency to be used in the law department of this university. Beyond the slightest sketch of the subject, nothing was attempted. Explanation and illustration have usually been left to the cases. Download Chapter III: Who can be a principal or agent (5.4 MB) Download Chapter I: Definitions and Distinctions (4.3 MB) Download Chapter VI: Delegation of Powers by the Agent (2.5 MB) Download Chapter XII: Duties and Responsibilities of the Client to Third Parties (5.1 MB) Mechem, Floyd R. Sketches of the Agency Act. Chicago: Callaghan & Company, 1901. . Download Chapter II: For what purposes an agency can be created (2.5 MB) Download Chapter V: Power of attorney by ratification (5.4 MB) Agents, contracts, commercial law, legal education, University of Michigan Law School Download Chapter XVII: Special classes of agents (6.5 MB) Download Chapter IV: Appointment of agents and their evidence (4.2 MB). | of the | | Agency of commercial law Contracts Legal writing and research.

Download Chapter XI: Obligations of the Representative to the Client (3.1 MB) Download Chapter VIII: The Nature and Scope of the Power of Attorney (2.3 MB). . The subject of the agency belongs to a relatively new period in our law. The agency clearly belongs to a commercial era and its growth has kept pace with the progress of commercial activity. It provides the means with which the spectrum of individual and entrepreneurial activity is significantly expanded. Thus, a person can have a lot of alter ego. A single brain can direct a hundred hands. The modern businessman can have a constructive presence in many places while exploiting diverse and widely separate industries. .