Octopus Deploy License Agreement

Octopus Cloud is billed each month based on the number of deployment targets you register. If you have 10 goals or less, the cost is free and we won`t charge you any fees. For more than 10 destinations, the price starts at $9 per goal per month, but gets cheaper as you add more goals. If you are concerned about certain parts of the customer agreement, please contact us. We are always open to feedback that allows us to make the agreement fairer for everyone. Our payment terms are strictly net 0-day. We cannot revoke a license key after issuing it, so we cannot send your license key or activate your Octopus Cloud subscription until we have received and processed your payment. If you have placed your order but find that you are waiting for your organization to make the payment, you can contact us and request a fully functional temporary license key. The price of Octopus Server depends on the maximum number of deployment targets you can register.

Targets typically include virtual machines running Tentacle, Azure web apps, and other deployment targets, as specified in our documentation. If you have a scenario in which the number of goals is exceeded for part of the year (for example. B, during the holiday season or tax season), or if you deploy to a large number of Azure websites or other PaaS destinations, contact us to find out the price that best fits your usage model. This limit applies to configuration data stored in the database, such as .B. Project and deployment configuration or online scripts. This includes any master data that we install as part of the product. 3.1. License Grant. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, we grant you a worldwide, non-exclusive, fully paid-up, non-transferable license to install and use the Software for your own commercial purposes during the applicable License Term. Since Octopus Server is free for 10 destinations, most customers use it instead of a time-limited trial.

However, if you perform a proof of concept above the ten deployment goal limit, please do not hesitate to contact us for a custom test key. After your license term expires plus a 60-day grace period, the functionality of the software will be limited and you will not be able to use the software to deploy applications. Octopus Server Edition is completely free and allows you to deploy software to up to 10 deployment targets. You are welcome to use the free tier for any scenario, including production and commercial use. Free licenses are valid for 12 months, but can be renewed at any time. Octopus Server is an Octopus Deploy deployment option that allows you to install Octopus Deploy on the servers you manage. Typically, this is used to install Octopus Deploy in your own data center or when you want more control over the security and privacy of your Octopus Deploy installation. 2.3. Objectives.

Our software is licensed and/or our cloud services are provided based on the number of destinations you can manage. A “target” is typically a server (or cloud service) on which you use the products to deploy software. A target can be a platform-as-a-service target hosted in the cloud or a physical or virtual machine with which Octopus communicates using the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol or runs the Octopus Tentacle agent software. The objectives are defined in the documentation. Some types of goals may count as more than one goal for your limit, as defined in the documentation. Octopus Cloud is an alternative hosted by us and is also free for up to 10 deployment destinations. It is limited to 5 simultaneous deployments. No credit card is required to create a free Octopus Cloud instance. 2.4.

Refund Policy. You may terminate your initial order for the applicable software or cloud services under this Agreement without cause or cause by termination. Upon your request (which can be done through your account or by contacting us), we may deactivate the license key that enabled the Software to operate or disable access to the Cloud Services. Yes. You can reallocate your Octopus Cloud license or subscription at any time by changing the technical and billing details. You can do this through your Octopus account. To renew or upgrade your Octopus Server license, go to our upgrade and renewal form and enter the serial number of your license key or a previous order number. You can then choose your upgrade or renewal option and have the option to create an offer.

(a) based on a fixed number of maximum targets on which you can deploy; Or, for new Octopus Server licenses, go to our pricing page, select the number of destinations you plan to deploy to, and then click Buy Now. In the Payment method section, select Offer. This will create a no-obligation offer for you. The person you enter as a billing contact will receive a PDF copy of the offer via email. Please note that “Instances” are separate from “Nodes”. A single “instance” can run on multiple nodes, allowing for higher availability and more frequent deployments. There is no limit to the number of Octopus Server nodes you can use on an instance. Yes, your Octopus Server license and your Octopus Cloud Terms of Use are both subject to the Octopus Customer Agreement. This Agreement will also be displayed to you when you install Octopus Server, register with Octopus Cloud and place an order with us. Octopus displays warnings to your Octopus Administrator users as the end of the license period approaches. After the license term expires, these warnings will be visible to all other users of your Octopus Deploy installation if the expiration warning has not been seen by your Octopus administrators. It`s easy to switch between editions and levels of Octopus.

If you upgrade, we will refund your old license on a pro rata basis. For example, if you were 6 months a year, your upgrade would include a refund of half of the original fee. To upgrade, you can use our upgrade and renewal form below or contact us for a quote. For these reasons, we recommend Octopus Server if you have specific security or privacy requirements, if you need to integrate Octopus into your internal Active Directory domain, or if you want to place Octopus as close as possible to the target servers on which you deploy software, and if you already manage virtual machines and other applications. Octopus Cloud makes more sense if you mainly deploy applications in the cloud and entrust us with security and backups. No. You can activate a new license key without reinstalling the software and without losing data. Upgrading your license will start the license term again for an additional 12 months from the date we process your payment.

If you need to use your updated license with other licenses, please contact us. The number of targets is determined by counting all targets in all environments of your Octopus Server instance. Deactivated destinations will not count towards your license limit. (a) we have the legal authority and authority to enter into this Agreement with you; The use of Octopus Deploy is subject to our customer contract, and we do not negotiate this agreement: this allows us to standardize and reduce our costs. Our customer contract has been concluded by more than 20,000 companies. 3.3. Licence Term and Renewals. Your license to use the software is granted for a certain period of time (license term). The term of your license can be extended for additional periods by placing a new order to extend the term of the license.

Unless you have selected the “auto-renewal” option in your account, renewals of the license term must be agreed in writing by the parties. All renewals are subject to the condition that the corresponding software continues to be offered. The renewal price corresponds to the current prices as displayed on our website and may change from time to time. For these reasons, we also do not provide a Word copy of our customer agreement. At the end of the 60-day grace period after the expiration date, you will no longer be able to use Octopus Deploy to deploy versions of your software. However, you can still log in and use most of the other features of the software. (a) our commercially available downloadable software products (“Software”), currently referred to as “Server” deployments; For Octopus servers, we accept credit cards (VISA, Mastercard and American Express) and PayPal that give you instant access to your license key. We also accept bank transfers or cheques. No, we do not accept changes to our customer-by-customer agreement.

Reviewing, negotiating, and managing license agreements for each customer comes at a significant cost and cannot be justified under our current pricing model. It`s also a big distraction from our goal of creating great software at an affordable price. Octopus Server Edition is licensed annually and includes technical support, bug fixes, enhancements and new features that will be released during the term of the license. Octopus Deploy is not available indefinitely. Here`s what happens when your license expires. 9.1. Disclaimers. Neither party (nor its suppliers or affiliates) shall be liable (whether in contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise) arising out of or in connection with this Agreement for: You may install up to three separate instances of Octopus Deploy with the same license key. These instances can be installed on the same virtual server or on different servers. For example, you can configure a production Octopus server, another isolated Octopus server for another part of your organization, and a test server. 3.2. Licensed Delivery.

To activate and use the software, you must provide a license key. .