Psac Collective Agreement Ti

Nor is there any justification for lifting the maximum allowable allowance for travel outside the employee`s head office or when travelling outside of North America. Although the number of workers travelling in this group is relatively small, this would set a precedent and would certainly accelerate the introduction of this benefit in other collective agreements. In today`s grain industry, grain flow is unpredictable, but there are usually times when grain does not flow, which is a good time for lunch breaks. PI employees are usually assigned to a lift in teams of two and have always used their discretion by taking a break during a slowing down of grain flow or by agreeing with their counterpart when they would mate. Given the existing payroll and human resources systems and ongoing payroll management challenges, the Government of Canada has no flexibility to implement the agreements on a basis other than that contained in the negotiated MOU. Accepting a different implementation process and different timelines would be a bad faith negotiation on behalf of the government, because it would accept something it cannot fulfill. The employer submits that the removal of the “majority employee consent” requirement in paragraph M25.08(a)(iii) will allow the CGC to align with industry schedules. In the spring of 2019, the government developed a new method for calculating retroactive payments to facilitate their implementation. The government has also negotiated extended implementation timelines, appropriate compensation for employees in recognition of extended timelines, and accountability measures. All of these measures are outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding contained in the 34 Federal Public Service Agreements. The 34 agreements under the PCA and separate agencies contain some commonalities, including fundamental economic increases and other monetary and non-monetary elements. During this round of negotiations, the negotiating group presented a long list of proposals.

PSAC submitted 23 proposals common to all PSAC groups, including two additional designated paid leaves per year and increased leave entitlements. PSAC also submitted 57 proposed amendments specifically to the TC group, including the model economic increases noted above, new leave provisions, new allowances and other monetary and non-monetary elements that do not currently exist in the TC contract and/or other CPA collective agreements. In the last round of bargaining, the collective agreement introduced a new allowance of $3,154 for GT sub-group employees working as search and rescue coordinators in a JRCC. The employer submits that the current provisions of the collective agreement give managers the flexibility they need to compensate executives for hours worked. If a staff member works more than his or her scheduled hours (whether or not he or she has taken a meal break), he or she will be compensated accordingly. Rarely, if ever, would an agent not be able to take a break for a meal during operations, so it seems pointless to create more administration to deal with a situation that is already covered. The employer submits that the current provision that an employee makes a claim for compensation in cash or on leave and submits it to the employer for approval is appropriate and consistent with other collective agreements. This allows the employer to take into account operational and organizational requirements. According to the employer, there is no justification for the proposed change. PSAC has reached a preliminary agreement that provides for a fair wage increase, no concessions and better working conditions for the approximately 10,000 members of the TC Group.

During the current round of collective bargaining, there was no evidence for the TC Group on internal relativity issues. Consequently, the employer`s wage offer, which is in line with the established scheme, would make it possible to maintain this balance. In 2017, PSAC and other CPA bargaining agents decided to create and commission a joint employer-phoenix union sub-committee to address the issue of worker harm related to the Phoenix wage system. Between 2017 and 2019, this committee worked independently of the collective bargaining tables. In its approach to collective bargaining and the renewal of collective agreements, the employer`s objective is to ensure fair compensation for workers while fulfilling its overall financial responsibility and commitments to the priorities of the government and Canadians. At the beginning of this round of bargaining, the Government made it clear to all parties to the collective agreements that the retroactive effect and implementation of the agreements are key issues given the ongoing challenges associated with the PHOENIX wage system and the implementation of the agreements reached in the previous round of bargaining. The negotiator proposes to include a whistleblower safeguard clause in the agreement. Consequential amendments to the agreement must be made in accordance with this agreed concept. Collective agreements are not updated until they officially come into force, after both parties have “approved” the document in question. Other enhancements to TC`s collective agreement include: The current wording of the collective agreement is intended to give employees the opportunity to request additional or revised versions of their job description or assignment during their career. Copies of the current collective agreements of USJE members can be obtained by clicking on the respective tariff group below. The Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and Treasury Board conducted negotiations between May 2018 and May 2019 on the extension of the Technical Services (TB) group collective agreement, which expired on June 21, 2018.

The employer submits that the integrity of the federal public service remains a priority for the government and that, when it comes to legislation to protect whistleblowers, improving the PSLPA through review and review, rather than creating another framework in the collective agreement, is the appropriate mechanism to ensure that it does so. what it should do: provide whistleblowers with adequate protection. The employer is open to further discussions with the PSAC regarding the conclusion of a phoenix damages agreement recognizing that PSAC employees should be compensated for damages suffered under the Phoenix wage system. However, the employer respectfully submits that the Phoenix-related damages should not affect the deliberations of this committee. This issue must be resolved in another forum, and in the event that the parties fail to reach an agreement, the FPSLREB is the appropriate forum for resolution by third parties. The employer believes that TC`s agreement is a mature agreement that does not require any significant changes. As a result, the employer is introducing a reduced set of proposals that includes modest economic increases and changes to leave provisions that are consistent with what was agreed to with 34 other groups in the current round of bargaining. M25.12 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the implementation of time changes will not result in overtime or overtime payments solely as a result of such change, and the Employer`s right to schedule the hours of work permitted under the terms of this Agreement shall not be deemed prohibited. The fare leader proposes to abolish the exclusion of shift premiums and travel times.

PSAC wants workers to be entitled to the provisions of the “shift bonuses” and “travel time” sections of the collective agreement. The employer submits that accepting such a change would have a significant financial impact – more than $15 million for the TC Group – and would exceed the provisions contained in other CPA collective agreements without justification. The parties have different proposals for the duration of the revised agreement. The employer proposes a four-year term, while the PSAC advocates a three-year agreement. To date, 34 collective agreements have been concluded in the federal public service. All agreements include basic economic increases of 2.0%, 2.0%, 1.5% and 1.5% over a four-year period as well as targeted wage measures of around 1% over the term of the agreement. The employer believes that there is no evidence to justify the granting of salary increases for the TC group that exceed the cumulative increases that workers in the 17 CPA groups and 17 separate federal agency groups will receive through a four-year contract. There is no justification for the significantly higher economic increases targeted by the PSAC, in addition to market adjustments of between 10% and 20%. M25.14 For the avoidance of doubt, the following provisions of this Agreement are administered as provided herein: The Government of Canada is committed to bargaining in good faith and has a history of negotiations that are productive and respectful of its dedicated employees. Their approach to collective bargaining is to negotiate agreements that are appropriate for public sector employees, bargaining agents and Canadian taxpayers.
