Fortnite End User Agreement

This Agreement, which incorporates Nutshell`s Privacy Policy, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous written or oral agreements with respect to such subject matter. Any waiver of any provision of this Agreement will only be effective if made in writing and signed by Nutshell. Any unauthorized use of a Nutshell computer system is a violation of this Agreement and certain federal and state laws. Such violations may subject the unauthorized user and its representatives to civil and criminal penalties. You are solely responsible for your use of Nutshell`s click-to-call feature. You and your end users agree to comply with all applicable laws regarding the recording of telephone calls. This may include notifying all parties to a conversation that their calls are being recorded. This Agreement will automatically terminate if you fail to comply with its terms. Nutshell reserves the right to refuse or discontinue any user`s participation at any time in its sole discretion. You agree that upon such termination, you will cease all use of the Products, Software or Services and that your access rights will terminate immediately. You must be a registered user to access the Products, Software or Services.

You are responsible for the security of your password. You are solely responsible for all activities that take place under your username. If you lose your password, you can only reset it using Nutshell`s Forgot Password email validation system. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan, without regard to its conflict of laws rules and provisions that would require the application of the laws of any other jurisdiction. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to this Agreement. Nutshell reserves the right to modify this Agreement at any time, in its sole discretion, without liability to you. This Agreement, as amended, is effective upon use of Nutshell`s products, software or services and applies to all existing users immediately upon posting of the amended terms on the Site. You agree to be bound by this Agreement, as amended.

If you do not agree to the changes to this Agreement, you must terminate your account immediately. It`s for my son who plays Fortnite, has anyone received an end-user license agreement from Fortnite and what have you all done? Does he agree or disagree? This Agreement (the “Agreement”) is a legal agreement between you, an individual or entity (“you” or “you”), and Nutshell, Inc. (“Nutshell”). This Agreement governs your use of Nutshell`s products, software or services, including any updates and written documentation provided to you (the “Products, Software or Services”). If you enter your information while using the products, software or services, you agree that Nutshell may copy and store such information as part of the products, software or services. Misuse of your Nutshell account includes violations of our bulk messaging policy, attempts to circumvent billing, misuse of click-to-call services, automated security testing, or any other fraudulent use of Nutshell services. We reserve the right to terminate your account immediately without refund in the event of abuse of service. Violations of this policy may result in the suspension of your Nutshell account. For customers who are in the top 1% of click spending, Nutshell reserves the right to limit international calls or negotiate customs fees. To the extent that the arbitration provisions of this Agreement do not apply, this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts serving Washtenaw County, Michigan, USA, and the parties agree and submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of such courts, except that nothing shall prevent Nutshell from bringing an action in a court of competent jurisdiction; to obtain, protect or enforce an injunction. its intellectual property rights.

Upon termination of this Agreement, except for your non-compliance, Nutshell will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide you with your information upon request only for a period of thirty (30) days. Nutshell has no obligation to provide you with a copy of your data and may delete and delete all data. Some of nutshell`s features allow you to send bulk emails – either through services like MailChimp or directly. As a nutshell customer, you agree not to send spam within the meaning of Spamhaus. This means understanding and complying with relevant rules such as CAN-SPAM. You agree that Nutshell has the right to automatically renew your license to continue using the Products, Software or Services after the end of your license term without notice, and that as part of such renewal, Nutshell has the right to charge all applicable renewal fees and taxes applicable to any credit card payment method registered with your account. You agree that Nutshell may terminate your license if you choose not to grant Nutshell the right to automatically renew your license to use the products, software or services or to store your credit card information. Players must click Accept and be able to play Fortnite afterwards. The Products, Software or Services and their structure, organization, source code and documentation contain valuable trade secrets of Nutshell and its licensors, and therefore you agree not to (1) sublicense, rent, loan, transfer or distribute any aspect of the Products, Software or Services or any derivative thereof to any third party, (2) the Products, Modify, adapt, translate or create derivative works from any software or service, (3) the trademarks or copyright or other proprietary rights notices of Nutshell or any third party attached to or contained in the Products, Software or Services, or in connection with or through the Products, Software or Services. You acknowledge that Nutshell or any third party owns all right, title and interest in and to the computer`s source code with respect to the Products, Software or Services, any part thereof or software or content provided through or in connection with the Products, Software or Services, including, but not limited to, all intellectual property rights….