Iata Standard Agreements

The uniforms of the handling agents must be worn and maintained at a high level by all passengers handling the personnel of the carrier product. The handling company shall, under its sole and exclusive responsibility, comply with and enforce the National Aviation Security Programme (NASP) imposed by the competent local civil aviation authority or local airport security authority in which the service is provided, as well as any of the aviation security standards applied to it. Ludwig Dorfmeier, Director – Contract Air, Middle East and Africa, DHL Aviation EEMEA With a B.Sc in aviation management, an MBA and 15 years of experience in flight operations, I wanted to refresh my knowledge – this time with a focus on ground operations. I researched several leadership-level programs, but chose IATA`s Land Operations Diploma Program because of its reputation and practical course schedule. The SGHA-SLA & Effective Negotiation Behaviors workshop was an excellent introduction to IATA`s courses and approach to ground operations training. I work daily with SGHA – mostly wet and dry leases – and this hands-on course helped me take full advantage of the manual and formulate solutions to problems when they arise on the ramp. Thanks to the many practice opportunities offered during the course, I also feel safer when it comes to making deals with our established operator pool. The theory is great, but it`s the experience that teachers and other participants bring to the lessons that I find most beneficial. I recently took a course with a group of REPRESENTATIVES from CAA and the Airport Authority of Nigeria, a country where DHL operates. It was a valuable opportunity to meet some of the people I work with and see how we can strengthen our collaboration on common issues.

My colleagues are now very aware of my training history at IATA, and I recommend IATA courses for those who are interested in advancing their careers in aviation. I firmly believe that IATA`s courses and degrees are useful at all career levels and increase the credibility of individuals and their companies. The handling company is directly responsible for all matters related to the training of AVSEC personnel and must comply with the AVSEC training standards required by the state in which the services are provided and the standards established by the carrier. EN 5 EN The standard groundhandling clause. The agreement contains all relevant model clauses. The text of the agreed provision on the taxation of aviation fuel is attached as Annex 2. EN 6 IN ANNEX 1 – Community phrases of standards to be included in . A manual for information on corporate social responsibility in line with global reporting initiatives standards IATA has explicitly referred to its decisions and standard practices as reference points for the provision of services to businesses and has listed them verbatim in the new subsections 5.3 (a) and (b). Aviation Information Data Exchange (AIDX) is the global XML messaging standard for the exchange of flight data between airlines, airports and third parties, your definitive source for all facets of safe and efficient ground operating standards. The A4A-IATA interline reservation procedures (AIRIMP) are the only reference source for generally accepted communication standards for the processing of passenger reservation interline messages. under a standard groundhandling agreement, liability is covered in accordance with the biFA 2005A standard commercial conditions. Charges shall be calculated on the basis of the weight of charges applicable to each air waybill This Annex B, which contains a Service Level Agreement (“SLA”), listing the safety, security, quality and monitoring indicators signed and agreed both in writing and by both parties (“Agreement”), is established in accordance with the simplified procedure in which the Parties agree that the terms of the Main Agreement and Appendix A to the SGHA of January 2013, as amended by the International Air Transport Association, apply to this Annex B as if those conditions were fully repeated here.

By signing this Annex B, the Parties confirm that they are aware of the above-mentioned main agreement and Annex A. Standard GroundHandling Agreement 2013 PDF may not be an exciting read, but the iata`s Standard GroundHandling Agreement 2013 is packed with valuable instructions, information and warnings. We also have many e-books and the user manual also refers to iata standard ground handling, many changes are purely editorial and modify SGHA 2013. However, some changes are significant and focus on operational practices, improved standards, training, bankruptcy, claims, and compliance in general. We briefly reviewed the key changes to the main agreement and Appendix B and discussed what they might mean for users. This Service Level Agreement (SLA) documents the agreed provision of services for the provision of aeronautical information. It establishes an agreed standard against which performance can be measured. It identifies customer expectations, defines the limits of service.

• ICAO Annex 5 “Units of measurement for use in air and land areas. Gha ground handling agent. Here are the only 2 punctuation marks that are acceptable according to the IATA standard:. e-AWB processing procedure for freight forwarders. 11.1 Notwithstanding paragraph 8.1(d), the Handling Company shall indemnify the Carrier for any loss or physical damage to the Carrier`s aircraft caused by the Handling Company`s negligent act or omission, ALWAYS THAT the Handling Company`s Liability shall be limited to such loss or damage to the Carrier`s aircraft in an amount equal to the deductible in accordance with the Carrier`s All Risk Hull Policy. does not exceed, which is not the case, in any case exceeds $1,500,000 The new wording may have been designed to clarify the situation so that carriers must notify handlers of any claim for compensation within two years of the expiry of the 14/21 day period that a beneficiary must respect. If so, the wording could have been improved. Handling in case of technical landing for non-commercial purposes will be charged at 40% of the above rates, unless there is a physical change in load. 2.1.9 Performance of the following ticketing/sales functions All services not listed in paragraph 1 of this Annex B are calculated in relation to the following table as follows: Connection with the representative designated by the medium carrier of communication between the ground station and the carrier`s aircraft. It is the responsibility of the handling company to participate in local emergency plans to assist the carrier in the event of an emergency, including but not limited to forced landings, accidents or acts of violence. The handling company is responsible for ensuring that its own personnel receive the necessary training before being tasked with performing operational tasks for the carrier. .