Lcia Model Arbitration Agreement

(ii) order the storage, storage, sale or other disposition of funds, documents, goods, samples, property, websites or items under the control of either party and in connection with the subject matter of the arbitration; and 30.2 Article 30.1 of the LCIA Rules also applies to the arbitral tribunal, each court secretary and any expert of the arbitral tribunal in the event of necessary modifications. Without prejudice to other provisions of the LCIA Rules, the deliberations of the arbitral tribunal shall remain confidential to its members and, where applicable, to any secretary of the arbitral tribunal, except as required by applicable law and to the extent that disclosure of an arbitrator`s refusal to participate in the arbitration proceedings is required of the other members of the arbitral tribunal in accordance with Article 10. 12, 26.6 and 27.5. These LCIA rules include this preamble, the sections and index, as well as the appendix to the ICA rules and cost plan, as the two may be amended separately by the LCIA from time to time (the “ICA Rules”). (iv) a presentation of all procedural issues relating to the arbitration (such as the seat of the arbitral tribunal, the language(s) of the arbitration, the number of arbitrators, their qualifications and their identity) on which the parties have already agreed in writing or in respect of which the claimant submits a proposal under the arbitration agreement; The parties may also wish their arbitration to be governed by different arbitration rules and administered by different regional or international arbitration bodies. B for example the ICC – International Chamber of Commerce. 18.4 The arbitral tribunal may refuse to consent to a proposed modification or addition to the authorized representatives of a party if such modification or addition is likely to affect the composition of the arbitral tribunal or the finality of an arbitral award (due to a possible conflict of interest or other similar obstacle). In deciding whether to grant or refuse such authorization, the arbitral tribunal shall take into account the circumstances, including: the general principle that a party may be represented by an authorized representative elected by that party, the stage of the arbitration proceedings, the effectiveness resulting from maintaining the composition of the arbitral tribunal (as composed throughout the arbitration); and any likely waste or loss of time resulting from such change or addition. 12.3 In the event that the remaining arbitrators decide at any time after written notice of such refusal or non-performance of the arbitration without the participation of the absent arbitrator, the other arbitrators shall notify the parties and the LCIA Tribunal in writing of such decision; and in such a case, the remaining arbitrators or either party may apply to the LCIA Court to revoke the appointment of the absent arbitrator and the appointment of an alternate arbitrator in accordance with sections 10 and 11. Paragraph 1: The purpose of these general guidelines is to promote good conduct and equality of conduct of the authorized representatives of the parties who appear by name in the arbitration proceedings. Nothing in these Guidelines is intended to derogate from the arbitration agreement or to prejudice the principal duty of loyalty of an authorized representative to the party represented in the arbitration or the obligation to effectively submit that party`s case to the arbitral tribunal.

Nor may these guidelines deviate from mandatory laws, legal standards, rules of ethics or codes of conduct if and to the extent that they are shown to apply to an authorized representative acting in arbitration. 7.3 In the absence of a written agreement between the parties, neither party may unilaterally appoint a sole arbitrator or a presiding arbitrator. The language to be used in mediation and arbitration is […………]. 28.5 In the event that the parties have agreed prior to their dispute that one or more parties will pay all or part of the arbitration fees or legal fees, regardless of the outcome of any dispute, arbitration or award, this agreement (to be effective) must be confirmed in writing by the parties after the effective date. 18.2 Pending the establishment of the arbitral tribunal, the Registrar may require either party to: (i) provide written proof of the power of attorney granted by that party to a designated representative in its request or response; and (ii) written confirmation of the names, email addresses and mailing addresses of all authorized representatives of that party to the arbitration. After its formation, the arbitral tribunal may at any time request any party to provide evidence or similar confirmations in any form it deems appropriate. (vii) confirmation that copies of the application (including accompanying documents) have been or will be served on all other parties to the arbitration proceedings referred to in Article 4 by one or more means specifically identifiable in such confirmation, which must then or as soon as possible thereafter be supported by evidence of actual service (including the date of service) satisfactory to the LCIA Tribunal; or if it turns out that actual delivery is impossible to the satisfaction of the LCIA court, sufficient information on any other effective form of notification. 32.1 A party who knows that a provision of the Arbitration Agreement has not been complied with and nevertheless proceeds to arbitration without promptly declaring its objection to such non-compliance to the Registrar (before the formation of the Arbitral Tribunal) or to the Arbitral Tribunal (after its establishment) shall be treated as if it had irrevocably waived its right of objection for any purpose. .