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(a) This Addendum governs the amount of fees due under the Agreement, which shall be terminated in full by termination no later than __. Before entering into a settlement agreement, the TCO determines the accuracy of the government asset account for the terminated contract. If an audit reveals real property for which the contractor cannot be held responsible, the total cost of ownership reserves the government`s rights with respect to those assets in the settlement agreement or makes a reasonable deduction from the amount otherwise owed to the contractor. (3) Mark each applicable settlement agreement with “This Settlement Agreement contains a reservation” and keep the contract record until the reservation is withdrawn; 49.602-1 Settlement Termination Request Forms. (a) Model Form 1435, Proposal for a Regulation (Inventory Basis), is used to submit settlement proposals resulting from the termination of fixed-price contracts when proposals are calculated on the basis of inventory (see 49.206-2(a)). (b) Model Form 1436, Proposal for a Regulation (total cost basis), is used to submit settlement proposals resulting from the termination of fixed-price contracts when proposals are calculated on the basis of total cost (see 49.206-2(b)). (c) Model Form 1437, Proposal for a Regulation for Cost Reimbursement Type Contracts, is used to submit settlement proposals resulting from the termination of reimbursement contracts (see 49.302). d) Model Form 1438, Proposal for Regulations (abridged), is used to submit settlement proposals resulting from the termination of fixed-price contracts if the total offer is less than $10,000 (see 49-206-1(d)). 49.602-2 Inventory forms.

Model Form (SF) 1428, Inventory Disposal Schedule, and SF 1429, Inventory Disposal Schedule-Continuation Sheet, are to be used to support motions for resolutions submitted on the forms referred to in paragraphs 49.602-1(b) and (d). 49.602-3 List of accounting information. Model Form 1439, Accounting Information Schedule, must be submitted in support of a regulatory proposal, unless the proposal is filed on Standard Form 1438, Proposal for Regulations (Short Form) (see 49.206-1(e)). 49 602-4 partial payments. Model Form 1440, Application for Partial Payment, is to be used for the application for partial payments (see 49.112-1). 49.602-5 Settlement Agreement. Standard Form 30 (SF 30), Solicitation Amendment/Contract Amendment, is to be used to execute a settlement agreement (see 49.109-1). In unusual cases, the total cost of ownership may, with the consent of the prime contractor, determine that it is in the government`s best interest to assist the prime contractor in the processing of a particular subcontract. In such cases, the government, the prime contractor and a supplier may enter into an agreement to process one or more subcontracts. In these regulations, the subcontractor is paid through the prime contractor as part of the total settlement with the prime contractor.

(4) 90% of other authorized costs (including settlement costs and manufacturing and administrative integration costs) attributable to the terminated portion of the Contract and not included in paragraphs (b) (1), (2) or (3) of this Section; and (2) engineering, production planning, planning, engineering study and monitoring, as well as other necessary services; (3) The costs authorized by the Contractor under the Agreement shall be paid in accordance with the terms and conditions and Parts 31 and 49 of the Federal Acquisitions Regulations. [Insert subparagraph (a) (3) of this subsection only if the costs are to be paid (see 49.302) or if there are costs that will later be covered by a separate settlement agreement.] (v) Assist the Contractor in carrying out other provisions. (b) Notice to contractor. Before determining the amount due to the Contractor, the TCO must make the Contractor available to the Contractor by registered letter (acknowledgment of receipt requested) for at least 15 days to provide written evidence to achieve the total cost of ownership by a specified date and to justify the amount previously proposed. a) Full Termination: It is proposed to use the following electronic notice when a supply contract is terminated in its entirety for convenience. If amended, the notice may be used for contracts other than supply contracts. (c) recognition of markets. If an assignment of receivables under the Agreement has been made, the Government will not make partial payments to any person other than the assignee unless the parties to the assignment agree in writing (see 32,805 (e)). (d) If an overall statement of costs is agreed, it is not necessary to agree on an agreement on each cost element. If necessary, disputes can be resolved and questionable issues settled by mutual agreement.

A full settlement does not include costs that are clearly not authorized under the terms of the contract. (a) This addendum [insert “amends the agreement to reflect an open settlement agreement with respect to the termination of __ or, if not previously terminated, “terminates the agreement in its entirety”]. (b) The ratio of the costs incurred to the estimated total cost of performance of the contract or the terminated party is only one factor in the calculation of the percentage of completion. .