Translation Contract Template

i) XX% of publisher`s net sales for any license authorization authorized under this Agreement. The standard translation contract is a guide for contracts for publishing prose translations in the length of a book, although many of the basic principles for other types of translation contracts are the same, and so we hope that translators of all kinds of literary works will find it useful. We have two documents that you can use as a freelance translator. You can sign up for a free Indy account and use our contract generator to create the right contract for your needs in minutes. The term of this Agreement will commence on the Start Date and will remain in full force and effect until terminated by either party with at least ninety (90) days` written notice. Without notice of termination, no event (other than a breach) shall result in the termination of this Agreement prior to the End Date. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Translators will transfer and make available to the Client all goods and documents owned or controlled by the Translator and which are the legal property of the Client. Translators will use all reasonable efforts to secure all written or descriptive matters relating to the services or work product and will agree to cooperate appropriately to facilitate the transfer of all goods, contracts, agreements, supplies and other interests of third parties, including those not in use at that time, and all related rights and claims. and to arrange on it. If you are responsible for translating a book into another language, you may charge royalties in excess of your fees. You may even consider waiving fees for a greater distribution of royalties from the sale of your translated work.

If the translation is out of print in the Publisher`s own edition, or if the Publisher`s holdings fall below fifty (50) hardcover copies or one hundred (100) paperback copies, and the Publisher does not reprint a new insert of the translation within nine (9) months of receipt of such written request from the Translator, the Agreement will automatically terminate and all rights granted by the Publisher will revert to the Translator. There is no room for ambiguity in the drafting of contracts. So, in order to avoid the dreaded “scope shift” or potential disagreements about customer opinion later on, you need to be meticulous when writing the scope of your project. Indy Contracts makes it easy to send legally sound contracts. Here we look at why you need it, what you need to include, and our top tips for getting your contract right. The draft translation contract is not intended to replace the advice of a lawyer or accountant. If you require legal advice or other expert assistance (including advice on translating literary works other than prose, such as poetry or theatre), please contact a lawyer or send a legal request to the Authors` Guild Legal Department if you are a member. When you include the amount and payment terms in your translation contract, you pave the way for a correct payment for your project. When the project or milestone is complete, each party knows what to pay and when to pay for it. Absolute! Your work is valuable and must be protected by a legal contract.

If all goes well, there are no problems with customers. Contracts help you create a plan that protects you when a job doesn`t go as well. The standard translation contract is designed to help you evaluate a publisher`s form contract and negotiate changes by allowing a clause comparison between the form contract and the standard contract. Many translators find it best to start their negotiations by writing a letter indicating the desired changes to the publisher`s form contract after receiving it. The translation contract template helps you in this area and then allows you to continue negotiating with knowledge and confidence. Remember that the terms you agree to govern your relationship with the publisher of your translation for years after the contract is signed. 2. The Publisher will pay the Translator a fee of $______ for the translation, payable as follows: The Translator will receive the first half ($___) within 30 days of the signing of this Agreement by both parties and the second half (________ $ within 30 days of delivery by the Translator. An employment contract is a single agreement that covers a single job or assignment. It specifies the work details for that mission – and only for that task. Developed from industry best practices, this template form contains standard terms and conditions that must be defined for each job. However, this document will not leave a professional impression on your business.

Instead, you can use our translation contract template. Updated on 15.09.17. The standard contract is intended to be the starting point for negotiations between the translator and the publisher. Please also read our Frequently Asked Questions about Translations. Some of the recommendations in our standard translation contract require minimal changes to the standard publishers` contracts that many translators may be able to obtain. Other terms can be difficult to obtain from publishers, but are still worth asking for. In some places, our commentary proposes a number of alternative positions and describes the probability of achieving each of them. Our advice is to identify the regulations that are most important to you and focus on them.

It should specify exactly what you need to do and, for good reason, also indicate what is not included in the terms of the contract. Translation of printed or electronic documents. Live translation or interpretation of the spoken language. Translation research or peer review. 12. Upon the first publication of the English translation, the Publisher will provide the Translator with ten (10) free copies of each edition of the Translation, and the Translator may purchase additional copies from the Publisher at a discount of fifty (50) percent of the list price. Here are three reasons why you should try our contract template instead of writing your own: Make sure you understand your rights as a translator and that your translation contract highlights them in unequivocal terms. The Authors Guild Standard and Commentary Literary Translation Agreement (or “Standard Translation Agreement”) is specifically designed to help translators negotiate changes to standard publishers` contracts. If your negotiations begin before the publisher offers you a contract, this document will also help you identify the most important points (scope of rights, payment terms, etc.) that you need to negotiate in advance. For example, let`s say you were hired to translate a website into Spanish.

In the summary, your client described the 10 pages that need to be translated, but they did not include the privacy policy or cookie policy pages. Your translation contract should state that these pages are not part of the agreement, otherwise your client may try to insert them at a later date. 9. Independent Contractor Status. The Parties shall be deemed to be independent contractors for all purposes of this Agreement. Accordingly: c. Use of subcontractors. The Translator may use trusted subcontractors to perform any part of the Translator`s obligations under this Agreement, provided that the Translator remains solely responsible for the performance of such Contractor, that the Client has no obligation to such Contractors and that the use of such Contractors does not entail any increase in fees, costs or expenses that would otherwise be payable under this Agreement. You operate your own business, so protect your cash flow by specifying the terms of payment in each written contract. First of all, you need a well-structured and easy-to-understand translation contract to ensure you as an independent service provider.

You should never make a deal with a potential customer without first defining what to do, when to deliver it, and how much you`ll get paid. This Agreement is concluded on [date] between [name of translator] (hereinafter the “Translator”), whose address is [address of the Translator], and [name of the publisher] (hereinafter the “Publisher”) with the address [address of the Publisher] via an English translation (hereinafter the “Translation”) of [title of the original work] (hereinafter the “Work”) by [name of the author] (hereinafter the “author”) (hereinafter the “author”) of the [name of the language] into English (hereinafter the “Translation”) by [name of the author] (hereinafter the “author”) closed. currently entitled [working title in English]. . . .